Shipping boxes to Costa Rica on a consolidated basis is something we usually do daily for clients, whether they are merchants or people who want to send several things to Costa Rica within the same box. It is possible to do so and there is nothing that prohibits or limits the shipment of consolidated cargo as long as these two are met.

1: Invoices. All the contents of the box must come with their respective invoices, customs does not accept cargo without invoices, even if it is a gift or something used, a document showing the pusrchase must be presented, even for a minimum amount.

2: Detailed list of contents. This is in addition to the invoices so quantities must match descriptions, anything that does not come on the list may run the risk of being "lost" and if it is not the list it costs a lot to claim.

It is crucial to emphasize that we do not engage in illegal shipments, so taxes must be paid for each item sent. Otherwise, the cargo cannot be nationalized, at least not legally.

Only by complying with customs regulations can we guarantee our customers a 100% Delivery Guarantee. Therefore, when entrusting your cargo to our company, make sure we are meeting all the requirements, unless you want to unnecessarily take risks.

We do not have established collection routes, but we can coordinate a pickup if needed. You can also send your cargo to our warehouse address in Miami. Find these addresses in your account under the "Casillero Miami" section.

Shipping by sea is much more cost-effective for boxes weighing over 200 pounds. In this case, the freight is calculated based on cubic feet (width x length x height), so the weight doesn't influence it, unlike air shipments.

How much does it cost to send a box?

It depends on the dimensions and is charged based on the cubic weight of the load. Click here to see our maritime rates.

How much am i going to pay in taxes?

This depends a lot on the invoice that you present, the tariffs vary from one product to another. In general, when the cargo is consolidated, you can request that a standard tax be applied.

I don´t have an invoice, what do i do?

Without an invoice, no cargo can be nationalized, whether it be a donation or personal items, the cargo must be accomápanied by an invoice, it is the law. If you do not have an invoice you can make one and present it, however you should be able to support it in case of an investigation of the validity of the validity of the declared value.

Custom considers that a commercial invoice represents a value that is acceptable, only if it has certain elements that added or subtrected from the invoice value, can be considered as the basis for the application of customs duties and taxes.

Can you ship used clothes?

Yes, it can, however, correspond to the Directorates of Health Areas, to approve requests for the storage of used clothes and postal packages containing clothes in the same condition, coming from abroad, after an eye inspection carried out by the responsible inspectors who are designates for these tasks, in order to determine if the sanitary requierements are met as in current regulations.

For the purposes mentioned in the previous article, used clothing must comply with the folowing requirements.

A) Be properly fumigated in the national territory prior to its storage, wich will imply that the packages containing the used clothing are opened for impregnation with insecticide be effective. 

B) Properly pressed.

C) Sprayed with an insecticide.

D) Accompanied by a fumagation certificate from the country of origin, which must comply with the corresponding legal procedures.

Can i send medicines, cosmetics, perfumes, etc?

Products for human use such as cosmetics, perfumes and other essences can be sent, as well as for human consumption such as vitamins, food, supplements, and others, as long as permission is obtained from the ministry of heath (MINSA FDAXXXX). This process is carried out by us for the clients and has a cost of $25 USD.

How long does it take for a box to reach its final destiantion?

In general we can talk about 2-3 weeks as long as there are no problems with the declaration, we do not check the boxes, it does customs therefore the list of declared items must be equal to the contents of the box. This can in some cases create a delay when cargo inspection is required.

Where do i pick up my cargo in Costa Rica?

The merchandise can be withdrawn in our warehouses in San Ramón, Alajuela, however, home delivery can be coordinated to the door of your home or company.

For more information on products that require permits, visit our Customs Clearance page.